
“A dedicated and compassionate caregiver at St. Joseph Hospital for decades, Melvin Schwartz and his wife demonstrated their friendship and support for the Hospital by establishing a legacy through a generous charitable planned gift.”
Legacy of Kindness and Generosity
Grateful patient George Shimojo wants his life of hard work to benefit others
The first thing you notice about George Shimojo of the South Bay is the twinkle in his eyes and his big, happy grin. A native of Hawaii, George has always been a self-starter. He taught himself to spearfish at age 10 and worked on a fishing boat in his teens while contemplating his career path.
He served in the US Army and was stationed along with US and British peacekeeping troops in Italy, Germany, Austria and other locations in Europe. “My military service instilled discipline and helped me to become adept in mathematics, which eluded me in high school,” smiles George. When he completed his service, George relocated to California and worked as a pipe fitter at Shell Oil Company.
George’s parents, who immigrated from Japan to Hawaii in the 1920s, worked in the sugar cane fields for one dollar a day. They taught George and his siblings the value of hard work and saving for retirement. He listened well and spent a lifetime saving and investing in his future. Early on, he invested in CDs, and during the early 2000s downturn in the market, an undaunted George educated himself on real estate investing.
A generous soul, he used the earnings from his investments to create charitable gift annuities after researching planned giving vehicles. George chose to support the Salvation Army and his local community hospital, Providence Little Company of Mary, where he donated a generous portion of one of his CDs.
Saving the storyteller
One Sunday in 2016, George wasn’t feeling well. He waited it out for a few days but eventually decided to head to Providence Little Company of Mary’s emergency department. George had suffered a stroke but hadn’t realized it. He spent many months at the stroke center at Providence Little Company of Mary and Acute Rehabilitation Center doing the work to regain his health and independence.
Today a recovered George walks, talks and regales all with his wonderful stories. “My care was outstanding. I credit the stroke team at Providence Little Company of Mary for giving me my life back,” he says.
Wanting to give back, George made a generous provision for Providence Little Company of Mary in his trust. “George has demonstrated his commitment to the health and well-being of the South Bay through his generosity,” says chief philanthropy officer, Kurt Hinrichsen. “His giving is helping to keep Providence Little Company of Mary at the forefront of innovations in stroke care.”
George’s generosity is a testament to his innate kindness. “I want my life’s work and savings to help others who may find themselves in my situation,” he smiles, “and to help get the word out about the compassionate and highly skilled care at Providence Little Company of Mary.”
If you would like to explore ways to support Providence Little Company of Mary through your will or trust, your IRA, or with a gift of real estate, please contact Lee McCabe, director of planned giving, at or 310-422-8938.
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