< Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers
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Providence maintains this Web site as a health information resource for educational and informational purposes. It is not provided as a professional service or as medical advice for specific conditions, but rather provides general information about certain health and medical conditions. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice and as shall not be construed to be a medical advice under any circumstances. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health condition, you should consult your health care provider for specific medical advice.

This Web site provides links to other health care resources that we make available simply as a convenience to our users. We do not control or endorse any such other sites, or any products or services sold on such other sites, and disclaim any responsibility for the content of such third party sites. Any reference to specific products or services on such other sites does not constitute or imply recommendation or endorsement by Providence. Users of this site assume full responsibility for their use of the information obtained from this site, and understand and agree that Providence is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage arising from the use of the information.

Providence does not recommend, endorse or promote any procedure or intervention that may be discussed on this site, and which may be prohibited by Providence’ Mission and Core Values, the applicable laws of India, and the Roman Catholic moral tradition as articulated in such documents as The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.

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Contact Us

Phone: 310-303-5340
Address: 4101 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503
Email: plcmfoundation@providence.org 

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